bash reference

 I looked rather thoroughly through the /root./.bash_bashhistory file and found to my surprise quite a few commands that looked unfamiliar. For example...



ufw enable

ufw allow proto tcp from to any


ufw --help

show ARG

ufw show ARG

ufw status

add allow 51413/tcp from *

ufw add allow 51413/tcp from *

ufw add allow 51413/tcp from Anywhere

ufw add allow proto tcp from Anywhere to 51413 from Anywhere

ufw add allow proto tcp from Anywhere to 51413

ufw show aRG

ufw show ARG

ufw status

ufw allow proto udp from to any

ufw status

ufw allow proto udp from to any

ufw allow proto tcp from to any

ufw status

which su

cd ..

cd ..

grep wireshark .*

rgrep wireshark .*


cd /etc/init.d/

cd /etc/init.d/

cd ..

ls -lR iptables

ls -lR iptables*

ls -lR *iptables*

ls -R *iptables*

iptables -nvL -t filter

iptables -nvL -t filter |more

chkconfig --list iptables

apt-get install chkconfig

cd /var/log

ls -l

more ufw.log

ls -l

more udev

emacs auth.log

tail -f auth.log

chmod 755 /var/www

ls -l /etc/passwd

ls -l /etc/shadow

grep shadow /etc/group

grep shadow /etc/passwd

more /etc/passwd

These all look suspicious to me and just yesterday, I had a definite breakin on my Windows 7 machine! They chnaged my password so I couldn't login and made the password hint something sompletlely different than I had there. I think this thread should be closed as "I got hacked good". Since I have done a clean install of linux and Windows with all new "good" passwords.
