YUM Remove Repo (Repository) – YUM Disable Repo (Repository)

Quick guide, howto remove and disable YUM repo (repository). Yum command itself does not contain any way to remove the repository. YUM repo files is located in /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory. I use kde.repo file with following content as example on this guide:

Remove YUM Repo (Repository) Permanently

Before moving repository permanently is a good idea to check that is the repository installed using rpm package. As many repos usually are, like RPM-Fusion, Livna, etc.

Search Repository RPM-package with following command:


If RPM-package found then simply remove whole RPM-package with following command:


If RPM-package not found then simply remove repo file with following command:


Disable YUM Repo (Repository)

Disable YUM Repo

Edit repo file on /etc/yum.repos.d/ as root and change enabled to 0
Enable disabled repo quickly with YUM:

Disable YUM Repo (Repository) using YUM


yum --disablerepo=kde install some-package
