More YUM commands

More YUM commands

Search for a Package using YUM

If you don’t remember the exact name of the package, then use search function to search all the available packages to match the name of the package you specified. For example, to search all the packages that matches the word.
# yum search vsftpd

Get Information of a Package using YUM

Say you would like to know information of a package before installing it.To get information of a package just issue the below command.
# yum info firefox

List all Available Packages using YUM

To list all the available packages in the Yum database, use the below command.
# yum list | less

List all Installed Packages using YUM

To list all the installed packages on a system, just issue below command, it will display all the installed packages.
# yum list installed | less

Yum Provides Function

Yum provides function is used to find which package a specific file belongs to. For example, if you would like to know the name of the package that has the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.
# yum provides /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Check for Available Updates using Yum

To find how many of installed packages on your system have updates available, to check use the following command.
# yum check-update

Update System using Yum

To keep your system up-to-date with all security and binary package updates, run the following command. It will install all latest patches and security updates to your system.
# yum update

List all available Group Packages

In Linux, number of packages are bundled to particular group. Instead of installing individual packages with yum, you can install particular group that will install all the related packages that belongs to the group. For example to list all the available groups, just issue following command.
# yum grouplist

Install a Group Packages

To install a particular package group, we use option as groupinstall. Fore example, to install “MySQL Database“, just execute the below command.
# yum groupinstall 'MySQL Database'

Update a Group Packages

To update any existing installed group packages, just run the following command as shown below.
# yum groupupdate 'DNS Name Server'

Remove a Group Packages

To delete or remove any existing installed group from the system, just use below command.
# yum groupremove 'DNS Name Server'

List Enabled Yum Repositories

To list all enabled Yum repositories in your system, use following option.
# yum repolist

List all Enabled and Disabled Yum Repositories

The following command will display all enabled and disabled yum repositories on the system.
# yum repolist all

Install a Package from Specific Repository

To install a particular package from a specific enabled or disabled repository, you must use –enablerepo option in your yum command. For example to Install PhpMyAdmin 3.5.2 package, just execute the command.
# yum --enablerepo=epel install phpmyadmin

Interactive Yum Shell

Yum utility provides a custom shell where you can execute multiple commands.
# yum shell

Clean Yum Cache

By default yum keeps all the repository enabled package data in /var/cache/yum/ with each sub-directory, to clean all cached files from enabled repository, you need to run the following command regularly to clean up all the cache and make sure that there is nothing unnecessary space is using. We don’t want to give the output of the below command, because we like to keep cached data as it is.
# yum clean all

View History of Yum

To view all the past transactions of yum command, just use the following command.
# yum history
